The Inauguration of the distribution of the bag of the sons of the martyrs in Rima city
The Martyrs Foundation branch launched the auger distributing the school bag of the martyrs’ sons, provided by the Martyrs Foundation and in cooperation with the General Authority for Zakat During the inauguration, which was attended by the governorate’s deputy, Fahad Al-Harsi, the head of the examination and review department in the foundation, Tawfiq Al-Siyaghi, the director of the Martyrs Foundation branch, Abdul-Ilah Al-Ezzi Hamid, the deputy director of the Zakat Authority branch, Ali Al-Wa`iq, and leaders from the Education Office in the governorate, the concerned confirmed their keenness to care for the children of the martyrs as the least duty offered to them in fulfillment of the sacrifices of their fathers. Foundation branch manager confirmedMartyrs Abdul-Ilah Al-Azi Hamid said that 282 male and female students of the martyrs’ sons and daughters were targeted in various districts, stressing that the school truth distribution project is one of the projects of the Martyrs Foundation For his part, the Deputy Director of the Zakat Authority, Ali Al-Waiq, explained that the Zakat Authority, in cooperation with the Martyrs Foundation, will work to support the sons of the martyrs as the least duty offered to them in fulfillment of the sacrifices of their fathers in the cause of God and the support of his religion. The local authority in the governorate praised the efforts made by the Martyrs Foundation by focusing on the sons of the martyrs and standing by them in light of this stage.The continuation of the siege and aggression.